Now you can finally get that voluptuous booty you’ve always wanted! Originally founded in Miami, USA, this magical treatment has hit the UK by storm, creating non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring.
Celebrities are often seen flaunting their assets over the media, resulting in people secretly resorting to painful plastic surgery to give them what they want – but no longer!
Now you can achieve the same lifting and volumising benefits of a Brazilian Booty Lift without going under the knife. The results are long lasting and are much more cost effective than its surgical counterpart.
This treatment combines fat busting laser lipo, which works by stimulating fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using pulses to destroy the fat cell. The triglycerides (broken down fat) are then repositioned to create a shapely booty using vacuum suction. It gives you a three-dimensional lift while getting rid of unwanted fat cells, while replacing them into the booty area!
You will not feel any pain after the treatment, if anything you have a little bit of an ache the next day and can develop very small bruises on the back of the legs and bum, these do not hurt and will clear up after a few days.
This treatment combines fat busting laser lipo, which works by stimulating fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using pulses to destroy the fat cell. The triglycerides (broken down fat) are then repositioned to create a shapely booty using vacuum suction. It gives you a three-dimensional lift while getting rid of unwanted fat cells, while replacing them into the booty area!
You will not feel any pain after the treatment, if anything you have a little bit of an ache the next day and can develop very small bruises on the back of the legs and bum, these do not hurt and will clear up after a few days.
1 session on our BBL machine is equivalent to doing 1,500 squats!
You can expect to see instant results, but the treatment also continues working over a period of a few days and you will see the full result after about 3 days. The results of one treatment last up to 3-4 weeks.
We recommend to have a course of 5, performed weekly. This helps you to get the best results and to keep building that booty!
Each treatment takes around one hour and ten minutes. We always advise to leave at least 7 days in between each treatment but no longer than 14 days if you are having a course.
Contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation.